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I am a professional voice coach and have helped numerous leaders in the  Danish business and cultural life by improving the way in which they present themselves. 


I have a background as an actress and a Master’s degree in theatre and voice training. 


I have been trained by international voice trainers from Milan, London and New York and have more than 18 years of experience in strengthening the voice and its specific qualities.  


Through my company, Living Voice, I work with leaders and facilitators and help them to become better speakers and to acquire authentic leadership skills.  


My story begins with red blotches on my neck, rapid pulse and intense fear whenever I had to speak in front of an audience at a young age. Many years ago I decided to transform that fear into something advantageous.  


I have since that time decided to transform that anxiety and nervous energy into something positive and advantageous by developing a tool kit which enables me to lead course participants down the path to their own outstanding performance. The kind where you get your message across, leave an impact on the audience and break the sound barrier. 


I work in a concrete and physical way with your voice, peeling off whatever isn't you, so that you come across sharp and vibrant. Working with your voice is a source of wisdom and insight into yourself which works sublimely together with whatever other methods of development you are working with.  


Do you dare to discover the unknown spot within yourself that transforms your nervous energy and makes your voice vibrant, strong and convincing, making a professional not needing to repeating what you’ve said a 1000 times before, but a professional speaking from your heart with lasting impact?  


Even though the red blotches have disappeared long ago, the nervousness is still the driving force of my work, or, as I like to say; if you are never nervous, then that’s because your voice is on automatic pilot. 


Do you want to make a greater impact? 


I would love to help you find your voice and teach you how to get your message across so that it will strike home with your listeners and your stories and points will be remembered.   


Merete Nørgaard

Shakespeare – trained Master of Theater and Voice Training  


Read an article from Djøfbladet about my work here.



Merete Nørgaard

My Book
The Magic of the voice is 
available in ENGLISh

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